
Waiting 4 Ellen.

Waiting 4 Ellen, originally uploaded by flip4bearz.

Ellen water.

The Riff Raff Room

Burbank, CA is pretty much where the REAL Hollywood of today is located. Just beyond the mountains adjacent to Los Angeles (in the VALLEY) is a slew of sound stages and studios where most of today's television shows and movies are made. I was able to secure standby tickets for THE ELLEN DEGENERES show about a month ago for a taping that occurred yesterday. Suffice to say, me and my friend Veronica didn't make it into the taping! If we didn't get lost for about 30 minutes maybe we would have, but all wasn't lost. 4-1/2 hours later, we get relegated to the 'Riff-Raff' room right behind the set and saw the actual taping via HD monitors. Chris Brown and Harry Connick, Jr. were the guests and NO -- we didn't get to meet anyone! LOL.

One of the upsides to the experience as standby ticketholders, was that if we didn't get seated into the actual taping, we would be given guaranteed tickets for a future show later on in the season. Not a bad deal I guess. Not a bad deal at all especially if you win a special raffle within the 'Riff-Raff' group to get choice tickets to one of her '12 Days of Christmas' tapings!!!!!!! After reading up on this, it's kind of a big deal. So, YES -- I'm coming back on December 11th! Yayy! It's ALL ABOUT the big ticket take home giveaways! ;-)


travelling, but not in love said...

And I'm guessing your beautiful friend isn't the first lady to have tasted 'Ellen Water'....tee hee. See the Lesbian joke I made? tee hee.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Who knew there was "Ellen" water. It's interesting that as an "Southlander" I have never attended a live taping of a show...

Price is Right..here I come! :)

Anonymous said...

This is freakin awesome