

Guess what??? I've got an official podcast posted up on iTunes now. Just search 'flip4bearz' in the iTunes Store. It's just me playing around with a digital mixing program with my favorite house tracks. :-)

They are actually the mixes that I post up on podOmatic. If you want to read more commentary and/or make comments, etc. -- you can go here.  If you want higher quality downloads, just shoot me a message, I'd be glad to give you a direct download link.  Either way, let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

Ace. Thinking of doing this myself as I really can't get my head around creating an RSS feed from Mediafire. Plus they are being rather annoying in ignoring my queries about vanishing files, so it may be time to switch.

You happy with PodOMatic?

Unknown said...

So far I haven't run into any problems with it. Since I'm still on their 'free' plan, I'm trying to milk it all it's worth by just uploading 96kpbs files to save on storage space. The format is very 'blog' oriented as well which makes it east to post, etc.